Tuesday, August 4, 2015

8/14 Session - It's Convention Season!

Greetings friends!

This time of year is one of the most exciting for gamers - it is convention season!  The two biggest American conventions occur during the summer months with Origins in Columbus, Ohio and Gen Con in Indianapolis, Indiana.  Thousands of gamers go to these events and play new games, see events, meet designers, and generally spend a lot of cash on the latest games.  It is also worth noting that going on right now in Lancaster, PA is the World Boardgaming Championships - a great little convention that gets a lot of help from members of GCOM, the Games Club of Maryland (to which we are proud members).  If you're ever free in August and want a closer, less populated convention this is a great one.

Whether you've gone to these conventions or not, we're going to be treating this as a chance to bring the newest games you've picked up to game night!  You're of course welcome to do this anyways (and probably already do if you're a regular), but this week in particular I think it'd be great to bust out some of the latest games of 2015!

As a preview for some of the available games, here are some of the new additions to the Nicholas Family game collection....

Specter Ops

Specter Ops is a fantastically exciting game!  One player plays the "Agent" and the rest play the "Hunters."  The Agent runs around secretly trying to complete objectives and escape while the hunters are trying to kill the Agent.  The Agent does not appear on the board but the Hunters do and can only see him if the Agent is within line of sight.  This game is everything we hoped it would be - it is action packed, there are special player abilities, and the components are very well done!

Forbidden Stars

Forbidden Stars is one of the highest rated games released this year!  Published by Fantasy Flight Games, it is an epic space conquest game.  This game is very much the spiritual successor to the classic Starcraft Board game.  It features smaller army and fleet counts and a very interesting, deck-building based combat system.  Players can upgrade their actions available to them and each faction is completely different in its units, combat cards, and special abilities.  The miniatures are also different for each faction and look fantastic.  This game can be long - 2-3 hours with three players, 4 hours or so with four, but very much worth it.

Just as a final reminder, this upcoming game night is on August 14th, not August 7th.  Remember, we meet on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month - not every other Friday.

What games did you get this summer?  Post them in the comment and bring 'em to Game Night!

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